Inbound Marketing For Your Podcast

This blog isn’t about us telling you exactly what to do to market your podcast, but it IS about us sharing resources with you that we 100% believe in as critical for your marketing and messaging for your podcast, and even business.

Typically when people think of podcast marketing, they tend to separate it from conventional business marketing. The truth is, it’s all kind of the same. The principles you use to market a brand easily translate into the podcast world. With that being said, there are many resources you can find in internet land, but to make it easy on you,

We’re sharing the two most valuable reads we’ve found on marketing:

  1. They Ask You Answer by Marcus Sheridan

  2. Building A Brand Story by Donald Miller

They Ask You Answer

They Ask, You Answer: A Revolutionary Approach to Inbound Sales, Content Marketing, and Today's Digital Consumer

Make your website a resource for your listener.

The biggest takeaway from this book is the idea of creating audio, video, and blog resources for your listeners/customers that answer any and every question one may ask about your area of expertise or business industry.

Imagine that your website is the Wikipedia of your industry, and people can find answers to questions they have right on your website - and they can either read, watch, or listen to you answer that question.

As you create pages and blog posts on your website answering these questions, Google will crawl your website and see that you have content that is pertinent information to whatever keywords people are using in their search bar. The more information you have, the more Google sees your website as the authority on the subject matter and will rank you higher in the search results.

Taking this approach to building content for your podcast website will help your organic reach through Google and has great search engine optimization (SEO) effect.

Building A Story Brand

Building a Story Brand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen by Donald Miller

Be clear in the intent of your show.

Clarity is KING! Content is king, yes, but if your message isn’t clear, you’ll lose an audience very quickly. So how does this help your podcast?

Communicating to listeners and potential listeners the intent and purpose of your show in a clear and concise way will save you time, and save them time.

Are you a podcast about cooking? Use a simple phrase such as “XYZ Cooking Podcast: helping people cook healthy meals, on a budget.”

Communicating the name of your show and giving a tagline will help weed out those looking for a different kind of show, and help you to niche down on exactly what you’re trying to accomplish with your podcast.

This book helps you to see the importance of communicating clearly, and teaches you exactly how to implement that into your branding, website, and collateral.

If you do what the book tells you to do at the end of each chapter, it will greatly benefit your show and your business!

We Consult

If you’re still up in the air as to how to best use your website to market your podcast, we can help! Schedule a 30 minute or 1 hour consultation with us today.


One Person Podcast Setups With USB Microphones